1.  Cookies Policy

In uses own and third party cookies in order to achieve the best possible user experience, implement essential functionalities for its proper functioning and obtaining anonymous statistics of visits to the web and the like, vital for decision making in our business.

Cookies do not allow the collection of personal information from the user. This is an implicit technical limitation of cookie technology, not something peculiar to the implementation of this website.

They only allow to recognize the same navigation device (computer, mobile, etc.) when accessing the web again, but without being able to know the identity of the user.

Virtually all of today’s popular browsers allow the configuration of cookie download policies and it is possible to disable them completely if the user chooses to do so.

As indicated in the cookie notice, if you continue browsing this website, it will be considered that you are giving your consent to the use of the cookies listed here under the terms established in Article 22.2 of Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce.

2.  Responsable Entity

The entity responsible for the collection, processing and use of your personal data is Yesterdazzed.

3.  What are cookies?

Cookies are a set of data that a server deposits in the user’s browser to recognize the device in question (computer, cell phone, etc.).

Virtually all websites use cookies as they allow pages to function more efficiently and to achieve greater personalization and analysis of user behavior.

Cookies do not allow the identification and collection of personal data of the user, only to recognize a device that has previously accessed the website in question.

4.  Cookies used on this website

The following is a list of the specific cookies used by this website:

This website also uses third-party cookies and contains links that lead to other websites that, in turn, are the source of their own and third-party cookies.

The different types of third-party cookies and their characteristics are listed below.

Media players

The Yesterdazzed website sometimes uses its own and third party audio and video content through popular players such as Youtube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, iVoox and the like.

These players may leave cookies on the site that embeds them for purposes such as online advertisements displayed by the player or to store and retrieve user preferences in the use of these players.

Cookies for online advertising

This site does not publish online advertisements in its contents which usually use cookies for the optimization of the advertisements shown to the user.

However, as a result of using embedded media players such as the YouTube player, for example, cookies from online advertising platforms used by these sites will also be installed when visiting https://yesterdazzed.com/. These cookies can be consulted in the cookies table on this page.

Social media cookies

Plugins for the creation of social network buttons and similar elements related to them may generate cookies from these third parties. In this web this type of elements are self-implemented and do not generate cookies in its operation.

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